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Formed in 2002, the Academy of Principals (Singapore) [APS] is the professional body that brings together senior educators in Singapore under one professional body.

It is the amalgamation of the three existing associations - the Association of Principals of Primary Schools, the Singapore Secondary School Principals Association, and the Singapore Educational Administrative Society. The Academy aims to provide unprecedented support which includes enhancement programmes, research projects and collaboration opportunities with strategic local and international bodies, as well as the arrangement of sabbaticals and study visits.

The Academy represents an integrated partnership with key players in Singapore’s education system: the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Institute of Education (NIE). It is also a platform from which to communicate with local and overseas associates from affiliated academic organisations and institutions, as well as with corporate and industry partners

"... a gathering of senior educators makes the Academy of Principals a rich reservoir of experience and knowledge in educational leadership ... the Academy can harness the power of collective learning, enhance the profile of school leaders and play a part in developing Singapore as an educational hub. I wish the new academy all success and assure it of the full support of the Ministry of Education in its mission of furthering the professional development of our Principals."

- RADM (NS) Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Education, 2001